Wednesday, April 20, 2011

SMK HillCrest Chess Championship

hillcrest chess open poster

Thursday, March 31, 2011

DGT Press Release

clip_image002Digital Game Technology BV

Hengelosestraat 66

7514 AJ Enschede

Telefoon 053 4305195

Request for publication

Live Chess Games on Facebook and Twitter ?!

Enschede, March 30, 2011

Chess tournaments, big and small, use the DGT e-boards and software for live broadcasting of chess games over the internet, trying to reach the chess fans all over the world.

Currently DGT is investigating the possibilities to broaden the options for live broadcasting by developing applications for Facebook and Twitter.

To get more insight in the preferences of chess fans and requirements for such an application, a small survey has been put on the internet.

You can find it at:

DGT is looking for 500 chess fans to cooperate in this survey.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

MarCh HoLiday Chess CaMP...All Chess LoVers Are Welcome






(Camper's name will be printed on the cover of the module)

please click here for registration form

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thank You SiR ~~~

HaPpy HappY HApPy~ ~ ~

Naib Johan Individu Lelaki Bawah 18 tahun
MSSD GomBak 2010

Happy Smiley Faces With IM MoK

Johan Kumpulan Lelaki Bawah 18 tahun
MSSD Gombak 2010

Johan Kumpulan Perempuan Bawah 18 tahun
MSSD Gombak 2010

Thank You Sir~~~

We Will Try Harder and play Better

IM Mok and His ChESs Students From SMK HiLLcrEST

Friday, January 7, 2011

First Chess Grandmaster in Malaysia

So my question is how to reach our dream of having first GM in the country! Do hope the readers will response.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chess Quotes

“Before the endgame the gods have placed the middle game.” - Tarrasch

“In such positions, combinations are as natural as a baby’s smile.” - Fine

“The good player is always lucky.” - Capablanca

White’s Pawns fall like ripe apples.

The scorpion’s sting at the tail-end of the combination.

The smoke clears.

“I like to coax my opponents into attacking, to let them taste the joy of the initiative, so that they may get carried away, become careless, and sacrifice material,” wrote Korchnoi.

Emanuel Lasker’s maxim: “When you see a good move - wait - don’t play it - you might find a better one.”

The beginning of the end.

Chess, like love, is infectious at any age - Flohr

“A passed Pawn increases in strength,” says Capablanca, “as the number of pieces on the board diminishes.”

Fischer’s restless energy in attack is reminiscent of the fire and dash of that other prodigy who dazzled the chess world with his mastery - Paul Morphy

“Endings of one Rook and Pawns are about the most common sort of endings arising on the chess board. Yet through they do occur so often, few have mastered them thoroughly. They are often of a difficult nature, and sometimes while apparently very simple they are in reality extremely intricate.” - Capablanca

If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination. - Thomas De Quincey
If once a man delays Castling and his King remains in the center, files will open up against him, Bishops sweep the board, Rooks will dominate the seventh rank, anbd Pawns turn into Queens. - Irving Chernev

The Rook must be aggressive in the endgame.

“Passed Pawns must be pushed!”

The moral is: Play for a win if you want to get a draw!

Even the mighty Alekhine, who played more billiant games than any other man who ever lived, did not pluck combinations out of thin air. Even he had to abide by Lasker’s dictum: “In the beginning of the game ignore the search for combinations, abstain from violent moves, aim for small advantages, accumulate them, and only after having attained these ends search for the combination - and then with all the power of will and intellect, because then the combination must exist, however deeply hidden.”

A brilliant game with a sparkling finish.

“An ending worth very careful study,” says Capablanca.

I’ve made this sacrifice so often, I feel like applying for a patent! - Fischer

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

IMs Academy

IMs Academy is headed by FIDE International Master Mok Tze Meng. IM Mok and a group of experienced trainers will be conducting chess lesson at schools, chess centers, private classes, etc.

Activities like chess camps, tournaments will be announced soon.

contact us:-

mobile:- 016 2233536 IM Mok
